Murena - Tome 08 - Revanche des cendres(Jean Dufaux, Philippe Delaby)(Dargaud 2010)

  • 书名:Murena – Tome 08 – Revanche des cendres
  • 出版社:Dargaud
  • 作者:Jean Dufaux, Philippe Delaby
  • 出版年份:2010
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:Dive into the captivating world of Murena, Tome 08, Revanche des cendres, a graphic novel by Jean Dufaux and Philippe Delaby, published by Dargaud in 2010. Experience a tale of intricate plot twists and compelling characters. This graphic novel offers a visually rich and intellectually stimulating reading experience. Uncover the ashes of a past conflict and the enduring battles of the present.
  • ISBN:9782505010166, 25050
  • 下载地址(点击下载):