The Road Ahead(Bill Gates  Peter Rinearson  Nathan Myhrvold)(Viking Pr 1995)

  • 书名:The Road Ahead
  • 出版社:Viking Pr
  • 作者:Bill Gates, Peter Rinearson, Nathan Myhrvold
  • 出版年份:1995
  • 电子书格式: epub
  • 简介:Bill Gates’s insightful ‘The Road Ahead’ (1995, Viking Pr) offers a prescient look at the future of technology. Explore Gates’s vision of the internet’s impact on society, businesses, and daily life. This book delves into the potential of personal computing, multimedia, and communication technologies. A must-read for anyone interested in technology history and the evolution of the digital world. Discover Gates’s perspectives on innovation, the digital divide, and the transformative power of technology. Gain valuable insights into the technological landscape of the mid-1990s and beyond. A classic that remains relevant today.
  • ISBN:9784933878431, 49338
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