Italian frescoes. 1   the age of Giotto 1280-1400(Joachim Poeschke  Antonio Quattrone  Ghigo Roli)(Abbeville Press 2005)

  • 书名:Italian frescoes. 1 : the age of Giotto 1280-1400
  • 出版社:Abbeville Press
  • 作者:Joachim Poeschke, Antonio Quattrone, Ghigo Roli
  • 出版年份:2005
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:Delve into the captivating world of Italian frescoes, specifically from the era of Giotto (1280-1400). This book, meticulously researched and beautifully illustrated, provides a deep exploration of the artistic techniques, styles, and historical context surrounding this pivotal period in fresco painting. Discover the evolution of artistic expression, the influence of religious narratives, and the patronage systems that shaped the creation of these iconic works. Perfect for art history enthusiasts, students, and researchers alike. Learn about the masters of the time, their innovations, and the cultural significance of these remarkable murals. Understand the technical aspects of fresco painting and their impact on the visual arts.
  • ISBN:9780789208637, 07892
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