
  • 书名:Bryson’s Dictionary of Troublesome Words
  • 出版社:Broadway
  • 作者:Bill Bryson
  • 出版年份:2002
  • 电子书格式: epub
  • 简介:Bryson’s Dictionary of Troublesome Words, published by Broadway Books in 2002, is an indispensable guide to the confusing and often misused words in the English language. Bill Bryson’s witty and insightful approach makes learning about grammar and usage enjoyable and accessible to everyone, from students to seasoned writers. This comprehensive dictionary tackles commonly confused words, offering clear explanations and examples to enhance your vocabulary and writing skills. Improve your writing precision and confidence with Bryson’s expert guidance on word choice and usage. Ideal for writers, students, and anyone seeking to improve their command of the English language.
  • ISBN:9780767910422, 07679
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