计算机 Full Stack JavaScript: Learn Backbone.js, Node.js and MongoDB(Azat Mardan (auth.))(Apress 2015) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
Web开发 Developing Business Applications for the Web: With HTML, CSS, JSP, PHP, ASP.NET, and JavaScript(Christian Hur & Laura Ubelhor [Hur, Christian])(MC Press 2017) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
Web开发 Node.js the right way practical, server-side JavaScript that scales(Wilson, Jim R)(The Pragmatic Bookshelf, LLC (466510);Pragmatic Programmers 2014) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
Web开发 Learning Web Design – A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics(Jennifer Niederst Robbins)(O’Reilly Media 2012) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
编程 Functional Programming in Java: Harnessing the Power of Java 8 Lambda Expressions(Venkat Subramaniam)(Pragmatic Bookshelf 2014) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
Web开发 Learn PHP 7: object-oriented modular programming using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, XML, JSON, and MySQL(Steve Prettyman)(Apress 2016) 3 天前 1 1 1 0
编程 Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms: Write complex and powerful JavaScript code using the latest ECMAScript, 3rd Edition(Loiane Groner)(Packt Publishing 2018) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
Web开发 JavaScript Cookbook, 3rd Edition(Adam D. Scott, Matthew MacDonald, Shelley Powers)(O’Reilly Media, Inc. 2021) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
工程 Getting Started with BeagleBone: Linux-Powered Electronic Projects With Python and JavaScript(Matt Richardson)(Maker Media, Inc 2013) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
编程 Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics(Jennifer Niederst Robbins)(O’Reilly Media 2018) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
Web开发 Essential ASP.NET Web Forms Development : Full Stack Programming with C#, SQL, Ajax, and JavaScript(Robert E. Beasley)(Apress 2020) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
未分类 C++: The Ultimate Crash Course to Learning C++ (from basics to advanced) (guide,C Programming, HTML, Javascript, Programming,all,internet, Coding, CSS, Java, PHP Book 2)(Paul Laurence)(2017) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
PC和视频游戏 Build Your Own 2D Game Engine and Create Great Web Games: Using HTML5, JavaScript, and WebGL2(Kelvin Sung, Jebediah Pavleas, Matthew Munson, Jason Pace)(Apress 2021) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
编程 More Do-It-Yourself Java Games: An Introduction to Java Graphics and Event-Driven Programming(Annette Godtland; Paul Godtland)(Createspace Independent Publishing Platform 2015) 3 天前 1 1 1 0
编程 JavaScript: the Definitive Guide:Activate Your Web Pages(Flanagan, David)(O’Reilly Media 2011) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
Web开发 Web Development with Node and Express: Leveraging the JavaScript Stack(Ethan Brown)(O’Reilly Media 2014) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
计算机科学 Deep Learning with JavaScript: Neural networks in TensorFlow.js(Shanqing Cai; Stanley Bileschi; Eric D. Nielsen)(Manning Publications 2020) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
编程 JavaScript: Syntax and Practices(Tomar, Ravi, Dangi, Sarishma)(Chapman and Hall CRC 2021) 3 天前 1 1 1 0
编程 Java 17 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach(Josh Juneau, Luciano Manelli)(Apress 2022) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
编程 Runtime Verification: A Hands-On Approach in Java(Christian Colombo, Gordon J. Pace)(Springer 2022) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
未分类 Java Challenges: 100+ Proven Tasks that Will Prepare You for Anything(Michael Inden)(Apress 2021) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
编程 Reactive Programming with Kotlin (First Edition): Learn Rx with RxJava, RxKotlin, and RXAndroid(Alex Sullivan, Marin Todorov, Scott Gardner, Florent Pillet, Junior Bontognali)(Razeware LLC 2019) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
编程 Modern Asynchronous JavaScript: Tackle Complex Async Tasks with Less Code(Faraz K. Kelhini)(Pragmatic Bookshelf 2021) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
网络 Node.js 8 the right way: practical, server-side JavaScript that scales(Wilson, Jim R)(Pragmatic Bookshelf 2018) 3 天前 1 1 0 0