编程 Web Scraping with Python: Data Extraction from the Modern Web(Ryan Mitchell)(O’Reilly Media 2024) 1 周前 1 1 1 0
未分类 Graphic Guide to Python with Processing.py 3 (Graphic Guide to Programming)(Antony Lees)(Antony Lees 2024) 1 周前 1 1 1 0
未分类 Mastering Matplotlib with Python for Developers: Effective techniques for data visualization with Python(Melendez, Jenna G)(Autopublished 2024) 1 周前 1 1 1 0
未分类 Python Flask Vue.js PostgreSQL PyCharm: 200 Things Beginners Need to Know(Brown, David & Junko, Nishihara & Yuka, Horikawa & Kanro, Tomoya)(2024) 1 周前 1 1 1 0
网络 Gray Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers(Justin Seitz)(No Starch Press 2009) 1 周前 1 1 0 0
编程 Python Data Science: Deep Learning Guide for Beginners with Data Science. Python Programming and Crush Course.(Robert Hack) 1 周前 1 1 1 0
编程 Hypermodern Python Tooling: Building Reliable Workflows for an Evolving Python Ecosystem(Claudio Jolowicz)(O’Reilly Media, Inc. 2024) 1 周前 1 1 1 0
计算机科学 Practical Deep Learning: A Python-Based Introduction(Ronald T. Kneusel [Ron Kneusel])(No Starch Press 2021) 1 周前 1 1 0 0
未分类 Python Programming For Game Development : A Beginner’s Manual to Creating Engaging Games with Python using an Introduction to Pygame and More(ULIA, JOSEPH)(Autopublished 2024) 1 周前 1 1 0 0
编程 Python For Beginners. 2 Books in 1: A Completed Guide to Master the Basics of Python Language Programming and Data Science. Learn Coding Fast with Examples and Tips(Julian McKinnon) 1 周前 1 1 0 0
编程 Python Data Analysis and Visualization: 100 Practical Exercises with Results and Explanations(Yuka, Horikawa & Yui, Kirigaya & Kouta, Seto & Kanro, Tomoya)(2024) 1 周前 1 1 0 0
操作系统 Python for Unix and Linux system administration [efficient problem-solving with Python](Noah Gift, Jeremy M. Jones)(O’Reilly Media 2008) 1 周前 1 1 1 0
未分类 Introduction to Python Programming(Gowrishankar S, Veena A)(Chapman & Hall CRC 2018) 1 周前 1 1 1 0
编程 Data Science Fundamentals with R, Python, and Open Data(Marco Cremonini)(John Wiley & Sons 2024) 1 周前 1 1 1 0
未分类 OpenPyXL Python Library: Powerful Capabilities to Bridge and Integrate Python and Excel(Al-Haidari, Ameenah)(Ameenah Al-Haidari 2024) 1 周前 1 1 1 0
编程 Serious Python: Black-Belt Advice on Deployment, Scalability, Testing, and More(Julien Danjou)(No Starch Press, Inc. 2019) 1 周前 1 1 1 0
应用程序和软件 Create Graphical User Interfaces with Python:How to build windows, buttons, and widgets for your Python projects(Laura Sach, Martin OHanlon)(Raspberry Pi Press 2023) 1 周前 1 1 0 0