参考书 标准日本语 第二版 初级 下Standard Japanese of China-Japan Exchanges for Beginners (2nd Edition 2 Volumes) (Japanese and Chinese Edition)(Mitsumura Tosho Publishing Co.Ltd.)(People’s Education Press 2013) 1 月前 1 1 1 0
参考书 Routledge handbook of language education curriculum design(Peter Mickan; Ilona Wallace)(ROUTLEDGE 2020) 2 月前 1 1 2 0
参考书 Elementary Mandarin Chinese Textbook The Complete Language Course for Beginning Learners(Cornelius C. Kubler)(Tuttle Publishing 2020) 2 月前 1 1 1 0
参考书 Intermediate Written Chinese Practice Essentials Read and Write Mandarin Chinese as the Chinese Do(Cornelius C. Kubler Jerling Guo Kubler)(Tuttle Publishing 2015) 2 月前 1 1 1 0
参考书 Basic Spoken Chinese Practice Essentials An Introduction to Speaking and Listening for Beginners(Cornelius C. Kubler Yang Wang)(Tuttle Publishing 2014) 2 月前 1 1 1 0
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参考书 Variational Translation Theory(Zhonglian Huang Yongzhong Zhang)(Springer Singapore;Springer 2020) 2 月前 1 1 2 0
参考书 Intermediate Written Chinese Read And Write Mandarin Chinese As The Chinese Do(Kubler Cornelius C.)(Tuttle Publishing 2016) 2 月前 1 1 1 0
参考书 Intermediate Mandarin Chinese Speaking & Listening Practice A Wealth of Activities to Enhance Your Spoken Mandarin(Cornelius C. Kubler Yang Wang)(Tuttle Publishing 2016) 2 月前 1 1 1 0
参考书 Rapid Literacy in Chinese (Mandarin Chinese and English Edition)(Zhang Pengpeng)(Sinolingua Press 2002) 2 月前 1 1 1 0
参考书 Intermediate Spoken Chinese A Practical Approach to Fluency in Spoken Mandarin(Cornelius C. Kubler)(Tuttle Publishing 2013) 2 月前 1 1 2 0
参考书 Rough Guide Mandarin Chinese Phrasebook (with Audio)(Rough Guides)(Rough Guides 2011) 2 月前 1 1 1 0
参考书 专精力 从直觉、兴趣到精通 (Mastery)(罗伯特·格林 (Robert Green))(Publishing House of Electronics Industry 2016) 2 月前 1 1 3 0
参考书 Crosslinguistic Influence in Language and Cognition(Scott Jarvis Aneta Pavlenko)(Routledge 2007) 2 月前 1 1 1 0
参考书 English for Everyone – Business English – Level 2 – Course Book(Victoria Boobyer Tim Bowen Susan Barduhn)(DK Dorling Kindersley 2017) 2 月前 1 1 2 0
参考书 English Made Easy Volume 2 Learning English Through Pictures Learning English Through Pictures(Hoopla digital.; Crichton Jonathan; Koster Pieter)(Made available through hoopla Tuttle Publishing 2014) 2 月前 1 1 1 0
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