数学 Act-Based Conceptions of Propositional Content: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives(Friederike Moltmann, Mark Textor)(Oxford University Press 2017) 3 周前 0 0 4 0
数学 Analysis of Integrated and Cointegrated Time Series with R (Use R)(Bernhard Pfaff)(Springer 2008) 4 周前 0 0 2 0
数学 Fuzzy Cluster Analysis: Methods for Classification, Data Analysis and Image Recognition(Frank Höppner, Frank Klawonn, Rudolf Kruse, Thomas Runkler)(John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1999) 4 周前 0 0 3 0
数学 Computational geometry: algorithms and applications(Berg, Mark de)(World Publishing Corporation 2013) 4 周前 0 0 2 0
数学 Schaum’s outline of theory and problems of matrix operations(Bronson, Richard)(McGraw-Hill 1989) 4 周前 0 0 2 0
数学 Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications(Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Marc van Kreveld, Mark Overmars)(Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008) 4 周前 0 0 1 0
数学 Algorithms Illuminated (Part 4): Algorithms for NP-Hard Problems(Tim Roughgarden)(Soundlikeyourself Publishing, LLC 2020) 4 周前 0 0 3 0
数学 Handbook of Peer-to-Peer Networking(John F. Buford, Heather Yu (auth.), Xuemin Shen, Heather Yu, John Buford, Mursalin Akon (eds.))(Springer US 2010) 4 周前 0 0 1 0
数学 自动机理论、语言和计算导论(原书第2版)(John E.Hopcroft; Rajeev Motwani; Jeffrey D.Ullman)(机械工业出版社 2004) 4 周前 0 0 3 0