- 书名:Healing Foods: Eat Your Way to a Healthier Life
- 出版社:Dorling Kindersley
- 作者:Susan Curtis, Pat Thomas, Dragana Vilinac
- 出版年份:2013
- 电子书格式: pdf
- 简介:Discover the power of food as medicine with “Healing Foods: Eat Your Way to a Healthier Life.” This comprehensive guide by Susan Curtis, Pat Thomas, and Dragana Vilinac explores the healing properties of various foods, providing practical advice on incorporating them into your daily diet for improved health and well-being. Learn about the nutritional benefits of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other wholesome ingredients. With stunning visuals and expert insights, this Dorling Kindersley publication empowers you to take control of your health through the simple act of eating right. Improve digestion, boost immunity, and increase energy levels naturally. This is your essential resource for a healthier, happier you.
- ISBN:9781465408532, 14654
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