Python One-Liners(Christian Mayer)(No Starch Press 2020)

  • 书名:Python One-Liners
  • 出版社:No Starch Press
  • 作者:Christian Mayer
  • 出版年份:2020
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:Master the art of concise Python coding with “Python One-Liners” by Christian Mayer. This practical guide unlocks the power of Python’s expressive syntax, teaching you to write elegant, efficient, and readable one-line solutions for common programming tasks. From basic data manipulation to complex algorithms, learn to express powerful logic in a single line of code. Ideal for experienced programmers looking to improve their Python skills and beginners wanting a quick and efficient way to learn. Improve your code readability and efficiency today!
  • ISBN:9781718500501, 17185
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