Applied Text Analysis with Python: Enabling Language Aware Data Products with Machine Learning(Benjamin Bengfort, Tony Ojeda, Rebecca Bilbro)(O’Reilly Media 2017)

  • 书名:Applied Text Analysis with Python: Enabling Language Aware Data Products with Machine Learning
  • 出版社:O’Reilly Media
  • 作者:Benjamin Bengfort, Tony Ojeda, Rebecca Bilbro
  • 出版年份:2017
  • 电子书格式: epub
  • 简介:Master applied text analysis using Python! This practical guide, “Applied Text Analysis with Python,” by Bengfort, Ojeda, and Bilbro, teaches you to build language-aware data products using machine learning. Learn techniques like text preprocessing, topic modeling, sentiment analysis, and more. Ideal for data scientists, developers, and anyone wanting to leverage the power of text data. Discover how to extract valuable insights from unstructured text and apply them to real-world problems. Enhance your skills in natural language processing (NLP) and unlock the potential of data-driven decision making.
  • ISBN:9781491963043, 14919
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