- 书名:English for Everyone – Level 1 Beginner – Course Book
- 出版社:DK, Dorling Kindersley
- 作者:Rachel Harding, Tim Bowen, Susan Barduhn
- 出版年份:2016
- 电子书格式: pdf
- 简介:Master English fundamentals with “English for Everyone – Level 1 Beginner – Course Book” by Rachel Harding, Tim Bowen, and Susan Barduhn. This comprehensive textbook provides a clear and engaging approach to learning English, perfect for absolute beginners. Develop essential vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation skills through interactive exercises and real-world examples. Progress at your own pace with this user-friendly course book designed for self-study or classroom use. Improve your communication skills and build confidence in speaking, reading, and writing English. Achieve fluency and unlock a world of opportunities with this effective and accessible learning resource. Ideal for ESL/EFL learners.
- ISBN:9781465447623, 14654
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