- 书名:English for special purposes in mechanical engineering 新编机械工程专业英语
- 出版社:Not specified in provided text
- 作者:赵海恒 Zhao Haiheng.
- 出版年份:0
- 电子书格式: pdf
- 简介:This comprehensive textbook, “English for Special Purposes in Mechanical Engineering: 新编机械工程专业英语,” by Zhao Haiheng, is designed to equip mechanical engineering students and professionals with the English language skills necessary for success in their field. The book covers a wide range of topics relevant to mechanical engineering, using practical examples and exercises to enhance comprehension and application. Improve your technical English proficiency, expand your vocabulary, and master the nuances of communicating effectively in mechanical engineering contexts. Ideal for self-study or classroom use, this book provides a clear and accessible path to mastering English for mechanical engineering.
- ISBN:9787810575782, 78105
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