Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning(Peter Chapman, Dominik Endres, Nathalie Pernelle)(Springer International Publishing 2018)

  • 书名:Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning
  • 出版社:Springer International Publishing
  • 作者:Peter Chapman, Dominik Endres, Nathalie Pernelle
  • 出版年份:2018
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:Dive into the world of graph-based representation and reasoning with this comprehensive guide by Peter Chapman, Dominik Endres, and Nathalie Pernelle. Explore advanced techniques for knowledge representation, reasoning, and inference using graph structures. This Springer publication is perfect for researchers and practitioners in AI, data science, and knowledge engineering seeking to leverage the power of graph databases and algorithms. Learn to model complex systems, analyze data relationships, and extract valuable insights using graph-based methods. Master the fundamentals and cutting-edge applications of graph reasoning in various domains.
  • ISBN:9783319913780, 97833
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