AI之書:圖解人工智慧發展史 Artificial Intelligence: An Illustrated History: From Medieval Robots to Neural Networks(Clifford A. Pickover)(時報出版 2020)

  • 书名:AI之書:圖解人工智慧發展史 Artificial Intelligence: An Illustrated History: From Medieval Robots to Neural Networks
  • 出版社:時報出版
  • 作者:Clifford A. Pickover
  • 出版年份:2020
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:Explore the captivating history of artificial intelligence with “AI之書:圖解人工智慧發展史 Artificial Intelligence: An Illustrated History.” This illustrated journey, from medieval automata to cutting-edge neural networks, unveils the evolution of AI through captivating visuals and insightful text. Author Clifford A. Pickover expertly guides readers through key milestones, breakthroughs, and the visionary minds behind the field. Discover the fascinating past, present, and potential future of AI and its impact on society. Ideal for AI enthusiasts, history buffs, and anyone curious about the technological marvels shaping our world. Dive into the rich tapestry of AI’s development—a story of ambition, innovation, and profound implications.
  • ISBN:9789571382975, 95713
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