Three.js 入门指南(it-ebooks)(iBooker it-ebooks 2017)

  • 书名:Three.js 入门指南
  • 出版社:iBooker it-ebooks
  • 作者:it-ebooks
  • 出版年份:2017
  • 电子书格式: epub
  • 简介:This comprehensive guide dives into Three.js, a powerful JavaScript library for creating stunning 3D graphics and interactive web experiences. Learn fundamental concepts, from scene setup and object manipulation to advanced techniques like animation, lighting, and shaders. Packed with practical examples and clear explanations, this book empowers beginners to build impressive 3D projects. Whether you’re a web developer or aspiring game creator, this is your perfect starting point to master Three.js and unlock the potential of 3D web development. Ideal for those seeking to enhance their web development skills with 3D capabilities, this book provides a structured learning path, taking you from basic principles to advanced applications.
  • ISBN:
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