Алгоритмы - Справочник с примерами на C, C++, Java и Python(Джордж Хайнеман, Гэри Поллис, Стэнли Селков)(Диалектика 2017)

  • 书名:Алгоритмы – Справочник с примерами на C, C++, Java и Python
  • 出版社:Диалектика
  • 作者:Джордж Хайнеман, Гэри Поллис, Стэнли Селков
  • 出版年份:2017
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:This comprehensive guide, “Algorithms – A Guide with Examples in C, C++, Java, and Python”, by George Heineman, Gary Pollice, and Stanley Selkow, provides a thorough understanding of algorithms with practical examples in four major programming languages. Ideal for students and professionals, this book covers fundamental algorithms and data structures, making complex concepts accessible. Master sorting, searching, graph algorithms, and dynamic programming with clear explanations and illustrative code. Enhance your programming skills and problem-solving abilities with this invaluable resource. Improve your coding efficiency and algorithmic thinking with this practical and detailed guide.
  • ISBN:9785990891074, 59908
  • 下载地址(点击下载):