Easy Learning Design Patterns Javascript: Build Better Coding and Design Patterns(hu, yang)(Independently published 2020)

  • 书名:Easy Learning Design Patterns Javascript: Build Better Coding and Design Patterns
  • 出版社:Independently published
  • 作者:hu, yang
  • 出版年份:2020
  • 电子书格式: epub
  • 简介:Master Javascript design patterns with this practical guide. “Easy Learning Design Patterns in Javascript” provides clear explanations and real-world examples to help you build robust and maintainable applications. Learn popular patterns like Singleton, Observer, and Factory, improving your coding skills and design efficiency. This book is perfect for both beginners and experienced developers seeking to enhance their Javascript expertise. Improve code quality, reduce bugs, and become a more efficient Javascript developer.
  • ISBN:9781099972591, 10999
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