The Book of Why  The New Science of Cause and Effect(Judea Pearl  Dana Mackenzie)(Basic Books 2018)

  • 书名:The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect
  • 出版社:Basic Books
  • 作者:Judea Pearl, Dana Mackenzie
  • 出版年份:2018
  • 电子书格式: epub
  • 简介:Dive into Judea Pearl and Dana Mackenzie’s “The Book of Why,” exploring the revolutionary science of cause and effect. This groundbreaking book unveils the power of causal inference, explaining how to move beyond simple correlations to understand true causality. Learn about Bayesian networks, causal diagrams, and the counterfactual revolution. Discover how causal reasoning impacts various fields, from artificial intelligence and machine learning to social sciences and public health. Uncover the tools and techniques to navigate complex cause-and-effect relationships, making informed decisions based on solid causal understanding. Elevate your analytical capabilities and master the art of causal inference.
  • ISBN:9780465097616, 04650
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