发现你的天赋 天分与热情成就幸福人生(肯•罗宾逊(Ken Robinson) 卢•阿罗尼卡(Lou Aronica))(2015)

  • 书名:发现你的天赋:天分与热情成就幸福人生
  • 出版社:未提供
  • 作者:肯•罗宾逊(Ken Robinson) 卢•阿罗尼卡(Lou Aronica)
  • 出版年份:2015
  • 电子书格式: epub
  • 简介:Unlock your potential with Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica’s “Finding Your Element.” This inspiring book reveals how aligning your talents and passions leads to a fulfilling life. Discover how to identify your unique strengths, overcome limiting beliefs, and create a life of purpose and joy. Learn practical strategies to navigate challenges, embrace creativity, and build a career that truly ignites your soul. This isn’t just self-help; it’s a guide to unlocking your true potential and living a more authentic and meaningful life. Find your element and transform your world.
  • ISBN:B071CF5NG3
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