This momentary marriage   a parable of permanence(John Piper)(Crossway Books 2009)

  • 书名:This momentary marriage : a parable of permanence
  • 出版社:Crossway Books
  • 作者:John Piper
  • 出版年份:2009
  • 电子书格式: epub
  • 简介:Explore John Piper’s profound reflection on marriage in “This Momentary Marriage: A Parable of Permanence.” This insightful book uses the parable of marriage to illuminate the enduring nature of God’s love and covenant. Piper masterfully weaves biblical theology with practical wisdom, offering guidance and hope for couples navigating the complexities of marriage and discovering the deeper meaning of commitment in the context of God’s eternal faithfulness. Discover how a temporary earthly union reflects the everlasting grace of God. Ideal for couples seeking spiritual insight, marriage counseling professionals, and individuals exploring Christian theology on marriage. Gain a renewed perspective on commitment, love, and God’s design for marriage.
  • ISBN:9781433507120, 14335
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