Nutrition and Eating Disorders  Second Edition (Healthy Eating - A Guide to Nutrition)(Lori A. Smolin  PhD and Mary B. Grosvenor  M.S.  R.D.)(Chelsea House Publications 2010)

  • 书名:Nutrition and Eating Disorders, Second Edition (Healthy Eating: A Guide to Nutrition)
  • 出版社:Chelsea House Publications
  • 作者:Lori A. Smolin, Ph.D. and Mary B. Grosvenor, M.S., R.D.
  • 出版年份:2010
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:Dive into the comprehensive guide to nutrition and eating disorders with “Nutrition and Eating Disorders Second Edition.” This essential resource, penned by Lori A. Smolin PhD and Mary B. Grosvenor MS RD, provides a detailed exploration of healthy eating habits and their connection to various eating disorders. From understanding fundamental nutritional principles to recognizing the signs and symptoms of these complex conditions, this book offers practical insights and strategies for maintaining a healthy relationship with food. Learn how to identify and manage eating disorders effectively, empowering readers to navigate nutritional challenges and promote overall well-being.
  • ISBN:9781604138023
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