Educational Psychology  Windows on Classrooms(Paul Eggen  Don Kauchak)(Merrill Pearson 2010)

  • 书名:Educational Psychology: Windows on Classrooms
  • 出版社:Merrill Pearson
  • 作者:Paul Eggen, Don Kauchak
  • 出版年份:2010
  • 电子书格式: PDF
  • 简介:This book, “Educational Psychology: Windows on Classrooms” by Paul Eggen and Don Kauchak (Merrill Pearson, 2010), offers a comprehensive exploration of educational psychology principles. It delves into classroom dynamics, learning theories, and effective teaching strategies. Readers gain insights into student motivation, memory, and cognitive development. Ideal for educators and psychology students seeking to understand and improve student learning outcomes, this text provides practical applications of psychological theories in the classroom setting.
  • ISBN:9780135016688
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