Empire and Slavery in American Literature  1820—1865(Eric J. Sundquist)(University Press of Mississippi 2006)

  • 书名:Empire and Slavery in American Literature, 1820—1865
  • 出版社:University Press of Mississippi
  • 作者:Eric J. Sundquist
  • 出版年份:2006
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:Explore the intricate connection between empire and slavery in American literature from 1820 to 1865. This book delves into how literary works reflected and shaped societal perceptions of these crucial issues. Discover the profound impact of expansionism, racial ideologies, and the evolving national identity on American writers and their narratives. Examine how these themes are woven into the fabric of classic American literature. Understand the complex relationship between literature, history, and social change during this pivotal period in American history.
  • ISBN:9781578068630, 15780
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