- 书名:Багуа инь и ян: ладони в форме львa 田氏阴阳八卦掌狮形掌- 田克延.
- 出版社:string
- 作者:Тянь Кэянь.
- 出版年份:0
- 电子书格式: pdf
- 简介:This ebook “Багуа инь и ян ладони в форме львa 田氏阴阳八卦掌狮形掌- 田克延.(Тянь Кэянь.)” delves into the intricate world of the Tian style Bagua Zhang lion-form palm technique, exploring the profound principles of Yin and Yang within the Bagua system. The author, Tian Keyan, shares their expertise, offering a comprehensive guide for practitioners seeking to master this unique martial art form. Learn the history, philosophy, and practical applications of this powerful style.
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