世界文化遗产  武当山古建筑群; World Cultural Heritage  Ancient Building Complexes on Wudang Mountain(祝建华(编); Zhu Jianhua (ed.))(中国建筑工业出版社; Chinese Architecture & Building Press 2005)

  • 书名:世界文化遗产: 武当山古建筑群; World Cultural Heritage: Ancient Building Complexes on Wudang Mountain
  • 出版社:中国建筑工业出版社; Chinese Architecture & Building Press
  • 作者:祝建华(编); Zhu Jianhua (ed.)
  • 出版年份:2005
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:Explore the architectural wonders of Wudang Mountain, a UNESCO World Heritage site. This book, “世界文化遗产武当山古建筑群; World Cultural Heritage Ancient Building Complexes on Wudang Mountain,” provides an in-depth look at the history, design, and cultural significance of these ancient building complexes. Discover the unique blend of Taoist philosophy and architectural artistry reflected in the palaces, temples, and other structures. Delve into the rich history and spiritual heritage of Wudang Mountain through stunning visuals and insightful text. A must-read for architecture enthusiasts, history buffs, and anyone interested in Chinese culture and spirituality.
  • ISBN:9787112074037, 71120
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