- 书名:東京藝大美術館長教你西洋美術鑑賞術
- 出版社:遠足文化事業股份有限公司
- 作者:秋元雄史
- 出版年份:2020
- 电子书格式: epub
- 简介:Unlock the secrets of Western art appreciation with this insightful guide from the director of Tokyo Geidai Art Museum. 秋元雄史’s expertise illuminates masterpieces, guiding you through key movements, artists, and techniques. Learn to analyze and understand paintings, sculptures, and more. Perfect for art students, enthusiasts, and anyone seeking a deeper appreciation of Western art history. Enhance your museum visits and cultivate a sharper eye for detail. Discover the joy of art appreciation!
- ISBN:9789869793612, 98697
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