C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library(Musser D.R.  Derge G.J.  Saini A.)(Addison-Wesley 2001)

  • 书名:C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library
  • 出版社:Addison-Wesley
  • 作者:Musser D.R., Derge G.J., Saini A.
  • 出版年份:2001
  • 电子书格式: PDF
  • 简介:Dive into the power of C++ programming with this comprehensive guide, “C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library.” Written by Musser, Derge, and Saini, this Addison-Wesley classic (2001) provides in-depth explanations and practical examples of using the Standard Template Library (STL). Master algorithms, data structures, and efficient coding techniques. Perfect for intermediate and advanced C++ programmers seeking to enhance their skills and build robust applications. Expand your C++ expertise and unlock the full potential of the STL today!
  • ISBN:
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