解剖与瑜伽体式(ma hai yan)(People

  • 书名:解剖与瑜伽体式
  • 出版社:People’s Medical Publishing Press
  • 作者:ma hai yan
  • 出版年份:2009
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:This book, “Anatomy and Yoga Asanas” by Ma Hai Yan (People’s Medical Publishing House, 2009), provides a detailed and insightful exploration of the anatomical principles underlying various yoga asanas. It’s an essential resource for yoga practitioners, instructors, and anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the body’s mechanics in yoga practice. Learn how to optimize your asanas for safety and maximum benefit through anatomical knowledge. Improve your posture, flexibility, and overall well-being with this comprehensive guide. Ideal for both beginners and experienced yoga enthusiasts.
  • ISBN:9787117107037, 71171
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