- 书名:Этология: Рабочая программа дисциплины
- 出版社:КрасГУ
- 作者:Смирнов М.Н.
- 出版年份:2002
- 电子书格式: PDF
- 简介:This book, “Ethology: A Working Curriculum (Smirnov M.N.)”, published by KrasGU in 2002, delves into the fascinating field of animal behavior. It provides a comprehensive overview of ethological principles, methodologies, and research applications. Ideal for students and researchers, this text explores various aspects of animal behavior, covering topics such as instinct, learning, social behavior, and communication. Discover the intricacies of animal behavior and its evolutionary context through rigorous exploration and insightful analysis. Gain a solid understanding of this essential field within biological sciences. This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning about animal behavior and its theoretical underpinnings.
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