Cocos2d-x Cookbook  Over 50 hands-on recipes to help you efficiently administer and maintain your games with Cocos2d-x(Akihiro Matsuura)(Packt Publishing 2015)

  • 书名:Cocos2d-x Cookbook: Over 50 hands-on recipes to help you efficiently administer and maintain your games with Cocos2d-x
  • 出版社:Packt Publishing
  • 作者:Akihiro Matsuura
  • 出版年份:2015
  • 电子书格式: PDF
  • 简介:Master Cocos2d-x game development with this comprehensive cookbook. Packed with over 50 practical recipes, this guide provides hands-on solutions for efficient game administration and maintenance. Learn to overcome common challenges, optimize performance, and enhance your game development workflow. Ideal for intermediate to advanced developers seeking to improve their Cocos2d-x skills and create high-quality games. Boost your game development efficiency and produce polished, professional results with this invaluable resource.
  • ISBN:9781783284757
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