Linear Mixed Models  A Practical Guide Using Statistical Software  Second Edition(Brady T. West  Kathleen B. Welch  Andrzej T Galecki)(Chapman and Hall CRC 2014)

  • 书名:Linear Mixed Models: A Practical Guide Using Statistical Software, Second Edition
  • 出版社:Chapman and Hall/CRC
  • 作者:Brady T. West, Kathleen B. Welch, Andrzej T Galecki
  • 出版年份:2014
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:Master linear mixed models with this practical guide. The Second Edition of “Linear Mixed Models” by West, Welch, and Galecki provides a comprehensive and accessible approach to understanding and applying these powerful statistical techniques. Learn how to use statistical software for analysis, covering model building, interpretation, and diagnostics. Ideal for researchers and students in various fields needing to analyze complex data structures. This book tackles both theoretical concepts and real-world applications, making it an invaluable resource for anyone working with longitudinal data, repeated measures, or hierarchical structures.
  • ISBN:9781466560994, 14665
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