Radical Uncertainty  Decision-making for an Unknowable Future(Mervyn King; John Kay)(Hachette UK 2020)

  • 书名:Radical Uncertainty: Decision-making for an Unknowable Future
  • 出版社:Hachette UK
  • 作者:Mervyn King; John Kay
  • 出版年份:2020
  • 电子书格式: epub
  • 简介:Dive into “Radical Uncertainty,” a groundbreaking book by Mervyn King and John Kay. This essential guide tackles the challenges of decision-making in a world brimming with unpredictable events. Learn how to navigate uncertainty, make better decisions under pressure, and develop strategies for navigating an unknowable future. Explore concepts of risk assessment, forecasting limitations, and the importance of robust decision-making frameworks. Ideal for business leaders, policymakers, and anyone facing complex choices in an uncertain world.
  • ISBN:9781408712580, 14087
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