- 书名:How We Decide 为什么大猩猩比专家高明_精排精校版
- 出版社:东方出版社
- 作者:【美】乔纳•莱勒
- 出版年份:2010
- 电子书格式: epub
- 简介:Discover the secrets of your brain’s decision-making process in Jonah Lehrer’s “How We Decide.” Explore how emotions, intuition, and reason shape your choices, and learn why sometimes we make brilliant decisions and other times, not so much. This insightful book unveils the science behind decision-making and offers practical strategies for improving your choices in every aspect of life, from finance to relationships. Learn how to harness the power of your unconscious mind and make better decisions, even when faced with uncertainty and complexity. This refined and meticulously edited version provides an enhanced reading experience.
- ISBN:9787506037204, 75060
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