- 书名:写给男人的第一本怀孕书(全球热卖 风靡欧洲,数百万家庭都在使用的孕期指南!一本让你笑破肚皮的怀孕圣经!) (生活孕期系列)
- 出版社:Unstated in the provided context
- 作者:马克•伍兹
- 出版年份:2011
- 电子书格式: epub
- 简介:The Expectant Father: A Dad’s Guide to Pregnancy is a humorous and practical guide for men expecting a child. This best-selling book, popular across Europe, offers invaluable advice and support for navigating the emotional and physical changes of pregnancy from a father’s perspective. Packed with witty insights and relatable experiences, it’s the perfect companion for dads-to-be. Learn how to support your partner, prepare for childbirth, and embrace your new role as a father with confidence and laughter. Millions of families have used this guide; your family can too!
- ISBN:9787510421648, 75104
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