
  • 书名:Time’s Arrow
  • 出版社:Vintage Books USA
  • 作者:Martin Amis
  • 出版年份:2011
  • 电子书格式: epub
  • 简介:Martin Amis’s Time’s Arrow offers a unique and unsettling reading experience. Told in reverse chronological order, this metafictional masterpiece explores themes of guilt, memory, and the Holocaust. Amis masterfully crafts a narrative that challenges traditional storytelling, leaving the reader contemplating the nature of time, morality, and identity. Experience the profound impact of this award-winning novel, where the past unravels to reveal a shocking and unforgettable truth. Perfect for fans of literary fiction, metafiction, and historical fiction. Explore the complexities of human nature in this intellectually stimulating and emotionally resonant story.
  • ISBN:9780307777775, 03077
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