- 书名:我的第一本怀孕书(全球热卖 解答所有你想知道,但却难以启齿的问题!风靡欧洲,数百万家庭都在使用的孕期指南!韩国上市一星期,销量突破40000册!) (孕期指南系列)
- 出版社:Not specified in provided text
- 作者:荷莉•史密斯
- 出版年份:2011
- 电子书格式: epub
- 简介:Expecting a baby? ‘My First Pregnancy Book’ is your ultimate guide, addressing those questions you’re hesitant to ask. This best-selling resource, popular across Europe and Korea (40,000+ copies sold in Korea in one week!), provides comprehensive advice for a healthy and happy pregnancy journey. From conception to delivery, this book offers invaluable support, making it the perfect companion for millions of families worldwide. Gain confidence and navigate this exciting time with ease. Get your copy today!
- ISBN:9787510421082, 75104
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