Introduction to Physical Geology(Thompson G.R.R.  Turk J.)(1997)

  • 书名:Introduction to Physical Geology
  • 出版社:Thompson G.R.R. and Turk J.
  • 作者:Thompson G.R.R., Turk J.
  • 出版年份:1997
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:Dive into the fascinating world of Physical Geology with Thompson and Turk’s classic 1997 textbook, “Introduction to Physical Geology.” This comprehensive guide explores Earth’s structure, processes, and history, covering topics from plate tectonics and volcanism to sedimentary rocks and geological time. Ideal for students and enthusiasts, this book provides clear explanations, detailed illustrations, and engaging examples, making complex geological concepts easily understandable. Enhance your knowledge of Earth science and unlock the secrets of our planet’s dynamic systems. Learn about minerals, rocks, landforms, and geological hazards through this detailed and accessible introduction to physical geology.
  • ISBN:
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