Quantum Curiosity  The Intersection of Quantum Mechanics and Curiosity-Driven AI(Figurelli  Rogério)(null 2025)

  • 书名:Quantum Curiosity: The Intersection of Quantum Mechanics and Curiosity-Driven AI
  • 出版社:null
  • 作者:Figurelli, Rogério
  • 出版年份:2025
  • 电子书格式: EPUB
  • 简介:Explore the fascinating intersection of quantum mechanics and curiosity-driven AI in “Quantum Curiosity.” This book delves into how quantum principles can enhance AI’s ability to learn and discover. Discover the latest advancements in quantum machine learning, quantum computing’s impact on AI, and the ethical considerations surrounding this rapidly evolving field. Ideal for researchers, students, and anyone interested in the future of artificial intelligence and its quantum potential. Learn how curiosity, a fundamental driver of scientific discovery, is being harnessed in AI systems, opening exciting new possibilities.
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