Cyborg (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series)(Forlano  Laura  Glabau  Danya)(The MIT Press 2024)

  • 书名:Cyborg
  • 出版社:未知
  • 作者:Forlano, Laura & Glabau, Danya
  • 出版年份:未知
  • 电子书格式: .pdf
  • 简介:Explore the fascinating world of cyborgs with “Cyborg” by Laura Forlano and Danya Glabau. This MIT Press Essential Knowledge series book delves into the history, technology, and societal impact of human-machine integration. Discover how advancements in prosthetics, implants, and AI are blurring the lines between human and machine, examining ethical considerations and future implications. Learn about the evolving relationship between humans and technology, exploring the cultural and philosophical dimensions of cyborg existence. Perfect for students, researchers, and anyone interested in the future of technology and humanity.
  • ISBN:未知
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