Boudoir and Glamour Photography  1000 Poses for Models and Photographers  Boudoir  Glamour and Lingerie Photography Poses With Instructions on Techniques and Composition(D.D. Smith)(Art Fashion Photography Media 2013)

  • 书名:Boudoir And Glamour Photography – 1000 Poses For Models And Photographers
  • 出版社:Art Fashion Photography Media
  • 作者:Smith D.D.
  • 出版年份:2013
  • 电子书格式: epub
  • 简介:This comprehensive guide, “Boudoir and Glamour Photography,” offers 1000 poses for models and photographers, covering boudoir, glamour, and lingerie styles. D.D. Smith’s book details techniques and composition, providing valuable insights into creating stunning images. Perfect for aspiring and professional photographers seeking to elevate their skills in these alluring genres. Learn expert posing strategies and photographic composition tips to achieve professional results. Explore different lighting setups, angles, and props to capture captivating models.
  • ISBN:
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