- 书名:A Place of My Own
- 出版社:Penguin
- 作者:Michael Pollan
- 出版年份:2008
- 电子书格式: epub
- 简介:Discover Michael Pollan’s captivating journey in “A Place of My Own,” as he chronicles the transformative experience of building his own writing studio. This Penguin 2008 publication delves into the intricate process, from initial design and construction to the personal reflections on the profound connection between our built environments and our inner selves. Explore themes of craftsmanship, nature, and the enduring human desire for a sanctuary of one’s own. Pollan’s insightful narrative weaves together practical details with profound musings, making it a compelling read for architects, designers, and anyone seeking inspiration in creating their ideal space.
- ISBN:9781440655647, 14406
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