- 书名:為何不平等至關重要: 從種族歧視、性別議題、貧富不均、政治制度,探討「不公平的善意」與「平等的邪惡 」= Why Does Inequality Matter?
- 出版社:城邦出版集團 麥田出版
- 作者:托馬斯 · 斯坎倫 (T. M. Scanlon) 著 ; 盧靜 譯
- 出版年份:2021
- 电子书格式: epub
- 简介:Delve into the complexities of inequality with “Why Does Inequality Matter?” by T.M. Scanlon. This book, translated into Chinese by Lu Jing, explores the multifaceted dimensions of societal disparities, from racial and gender bias to economic and political imbalances. It examines the concept of “unfair goodwill” and “equal evil” to illuminate the crucial role of inequality in shaping our world. Understanding the root causes of inequality is essential for fostering a more just and equitable society. Discover how these issues impact personal lives and global dynamics.
- ISBN:9789863448464, 98634
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