天真的目擊者 二次大戰的孩子們最後的回憶錄 = Innocent Witnesses  Childhood Memories of World War II(瑪莉蓮 · 亞隆 (Marilyn Yalom) 著 ; 劉卉立譯)(貓頭鷹出版社 2022)

  • 书名:天真的目擊者:二次大戰的孩子們最後的回憶錄 = Innocent Witnesses: Childhood Memories of World War II
  • 出版社:貓頭鷹出版社
  • 作者:瑪莉蓮 · 亞隆 (Marilyn Yalom) 著 ; 劉卉立譯
  • 出版年份:2022
  • 电子书格式: epub
  • 简介:Experience World War II through the eyes of children. Marilyn Yalom’s “Innocent Witnesses” offers poignant and intimate accounts of the war’s impact on young lives. This book, translated into Chinese, delves into the childhood memories of those who lived through this historical period, offering a unique perspective on a pivotal moment in history. Discover the resilience and suffering of a generation, and the lasting legacy of war on their lives.
  • ISBN:9789862625347, 98626
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