Эмбриональные стволовые клетки  фундаментальная биология и медицина(Репин В.С. и др.)(2002)

  • 书名:Эмбриональные стволовые клетки: фундаментальная биология и медицина
  • 出版社:string
  • 作者:Репин В.С. и др.
  • 出版年份:2002
  • 电子书格式: DJVU
  • 简介:This book, “Embryonic Stem Cells: Fundamental Biology and Medicine”, delves into the fascinating world of embryonic stem cells. Published in 2002, it offers in-depth insights into the fundamental biology of these cells and their potential medical applications. Researchers and students seeking a comprehensive understanding of embryonic stem cell research will find this resource invaluable. Explore the latest advancements and discoveries in this crucial field of scientific inquiry. Learn about the biological mechanisms and practical implications of embryonic stem cell technology.
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