饥饿的大脑 如何聪明地战胜驱使我们暴饮暴食的本能(斯蒂芬 J.居耶内特(Stephan J.Guyenet))(2020)

  • 书名:饥饿的大脑:如何聪明地战胜驱使我们暴饮暴食的本能
  • 出版社:Avery
  • 作者:斯蒂芬 J.居耶内特(Stephan J.Guyenet)
  • 出版年份:2020
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:Unlock the secrets to conquering overeating with “The Hungry Brain.” Dr. Stephan Guyenet reveals the science behind our food cravings, explaining how our brain’s intricate reward system drives us to overconsume. Learn practical strategies to outsmart your instincts and achieve lasting weight management. Discover how hormones, genetics, and environmental factors influence appetite and develop a personalized approach to healthy eating habits. This book offers a compelling blend of scientific insights and actionable advice for anyone struggling with weight control and seeking a deeper understanding of their relationship with food. Gain control of your hunger, and regain control of your health.
  • ISBN:9787203113713, 72031
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