- 书名:Гетерохронии в формировании костного мозга и гематологических показателей в раннем онтогенезе полувыводковых и птенцовых птиц. Монография
- 出版社:string
- 作者:Чугайнова Л.В.
- 出版年份:未知
- 电子书格式: PDF
- 简介:This monograph explores the heterochrony in bone marrow development and hematological parameters during the early ontogeny of semi-precocial and precocial birds. It delves into the intricate processes of avian hematopoiesis, offering valuable insights into the evolution and adaptation of these vital physiological functions in different avian species. Ideal for researchers, academics, and professionals in ornithology, developmental biology, and veterinary sciences, this book provides in-depth analysis and comprehensive data.
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