World-Systems Analysis  Theory and Methodology(Terence K. Hopkins  Immanuel Wallerstein)(Sage Publications  Inc 1982)

  • 书名:World-Systems Analysis: Theory and Methodology
  • 出版社:Sage Publications, Inc
  • 作者:Terence K. Hopkins, Immanuel Wallerstein
  • 出版年份:1982
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:Dive deep into the influential World-Systems Analysis theory, exploring its methodology and key concepts. This seminal work by Hopkins and Wallerstein provides a framework for understanding global economic and political systems. Uncover the historical evolution and interdependencies of nations, exploring how global structures shape societal outcomes. A must-read for students and researchers in sociology, political science, economics, and related fields.
  • ISBN:9780803918108, 97808
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