Success with Reading Comprehension  Grade 3(Scholastic)(Scholastic 2010)

  • 书名:Success with Reading Comprehension: Grade 3
  • 出版社:Scholastic
  • 作者:Scholastic
  • 出版年份:2010
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:This comprehensive reading comprehension book, targeted at Grade 3 students and published by Scholastic in 2010, provides engaging exercises and activities to improve reading skills. It covers various aspects of comprehension, including vocabulary development, identifying main ideas, and answering questions. The book is designed to help students build confidence and proficiency in understanding what they read, fostering a lifelong love for reading. Perfect for teachers and parents looking for resources to enhance reading comprehension skills in third graders.
  • ISBN:9780545200820, 05452
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