詮釋中國史 從源起到漢亡 = China  An Interpretive History  From the Beginnings to the Fall of Han(約瑟夫 · 列文森 (Joseph R. Levenson)  舒扶瀾 (Franz Schurma...)(香港中文大學出版社 2024)

  • 书名:詮釋中國史:從源起到漢亡 = China: An Interpretive History: From the Beginnings to the Fall of Han
  • 出版社:香港中文大學出版社
  • 作者:約瑟夫 · 列文森 (Joseph R. Levenson), 舒扶瀾 (Franz Schurmann) 著 ; 董玥 譯
  • 出版年份:2024
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:Joseph Levenson’s seminal work, now available in Chinese and English, offers a profound interpretation of Chinese history from its origins to the Han Dynasty’s collapse. Explore the evolution of Chinese civilization, its philosophical underpinnings, and the interplay between political power and intellectual currents. This meticulously researched volume provides invaluable insights into the complexities of early Chinese history, making it an essential read for students, scholars, and anyone interested in understanding China’s rich past. Levenson’s insightful analysis remains highly relevant to contemporary understanding of Chinese history and culture. This edition features enhanced accessibility for both Chinese and English-speaking audiences.
  • ISBN:9789882372948, 98823
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